Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Response Cards Needed!!!

I hope by now you have all received your invite and have marked it on your calendar!!! We are really looking forward to getting together with everyone to catch up on what you have all been doing the last 10 years. Wow, has it really been that long already?!?!

We would really appreciate it if you could send in your response cards as soon as possible or at least shoot us an email at eastcougars97@hotmail.com to let us know if you are planning on attending. We would like to get a good idea of how many will be attending. This will help tremendously in our planning efforts. Thanks you!

Another thanks to everyone who has helped us in locating some classmates. Our MIA list is now down to 74! Not bad, but there are still some out there...

We hope you are having a great year and can't wait for August!