Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Save the Date/Save the Reunion

Under terms of our agreement with the caterer, we must have a minimum of commitments in order to guarantee our reunion date. Unfortunately, so far we have only recieved 6 responses. That is far too few to proceed with the plans. Therefore, we are considering the necessity of cancelling the Mankato East Class of 1997 10-Year Reunion.

We hope this does not happen and we are sending out additional notices to all the classmates we can. Please join us in supporting our class because you can only have a 10-Year reunion once.

By acting now, you will not only save the reunion, you will save $5 as well. On June 4, the individual cost of tickets will rise from $35 to $40.

As you know, the ticket covers food (Prime Rib, Baked Chicken,Veggie lasanga, and sides and salads with dessert at the end), low cost beverages ($1 beer and $2 bar pours), and most importantly the opportunity to reacquaint yourself with some lost colleagues!

Please send your check and response card now to:

Mapin Chhoun
22799 581st Lane
Mankato, MN 56001

Thanks and hope to hear from you soon...